hello,plea2004-04-11 02:19:00
hello,please help me out!
I have a job offer and got a H-1b visa already. I am supposed to work starting from mid May because my graduation date is on May 1st (the expiration date of my I-20).

(1) My problem is for some family issues I have to go back China and give up what I have got in the US. My current F-1 visa was terminated the day my H-1b was approved (mid Febuary) and if I notify the company to withdraw my H-1b visa right now and suppose they do this immediately, am I still legal to stay in school until May 1st, my graduation date and also the day when my I-20 expires? My F-1 student visa has been terminated already and although the H-1 visa approved in Mid Feb, it will only become effective on May 1st.

(2) If the answer is "yes" to the above question, can I stay a few more days beyong May 1st because I want to go back after attending my graduation ceremony on May 1st (I will purchase my tickets well in advance)

Thanks a lot in advance!
tz20002004-04-11 05:35:57
Ask ISO in your Univ.
QLD2004-04-11 19:06:39
回复:my unique problems
finastar2004-04-11 19:27:59
回复:回复:my unique problems