SwanSong2007-07-03 23:40:37
some post might have already done the simple calculations... whatever...

60,000 was allocated in 13 business days (8 hours standard working-hour from 06/13 - 06/30)

------> 60,000 / 13 day / 8 hour/ 60min = 9.6 case/min =======> 20 秒 处理 3 个cases?

I guess they use ECXEL...highlight 50 rows first, then check... done. Very efficient!

By the way, will you guys still go and celebrate the coming "holiday"? Think again, is it our holiday?

ggxx2007-07-04 00:01:20
你的意思USCIS 只有一个人工作?
d_outside2007-07-04 00:03:39
He said naive...