tyh2007-07-04 04:58:32
explore2007-07-04 05:04:27
explore2007-07-04 05:15:09
If your 3岁小孩 is US citizen, no form is needed
explore2007-07-04 05:17:46
I'm doing the best i can do to answer all of your questions.
tyh2007-07-04 06:13:36
explore2007-07-04 06:43:28
Thanks for reply. You made the correct choise
pjiang2007-07-04 17:04:47
I-485 (Yes), G-325A (no), fee $225 - 回复:小孩3岁,需要填485,325A表吗? 谢谢!
tyh2007-07-04 17:50:56
Thanks for reply again, Pjiang, Sorry bother you 2 times