goguylung2007-07-06 19:16:58
I have a plane to go to Canda or Mexico for a 10-day trip. Right now my stauts is H1B. Do I need the validate visa to re-enter the U.S.A.
Thank you very much for any infromation.
68732007-07-06 19:19:28
No, you don't
goguylung2007-07-06 21:30:02
回复:No, you don't
68732007-07-06 21:36:03
It depends on what H1B approval is
xiaobaoma12007-07-06 22:04:31
No, you don't need a visa to re-enter US, make sure keep
xiaobaoma12007-07-06 22:07:08
do not surrend your I-94 form, you need that for re-entry