My gf got stucked in GZ US consulate, they are sending her paper to Washionton for security check because her previous visa interview was 1 yr and 2 weeks ago ( if its within a yr, no need for the security check, she is really out of luck).
She is under H1B, been working in sillicon valley for 2 yrs, recently go back home for national holiday, does anyone know how long a typical background check will last? she had 2 interveiws in the same consulate within the last 2 yrs and never got problems. Its just not her day...
She has no Al Qaeda link, not in a sensitive industry..just a programmer for telecom company. only bad record was parking ticket for her entire life.
Any suggestions on how long the wait might be? ( hopefully she can watch beijing olympics here with me )
Thank you for your advice.