gaplady662007-07-10 16:32:37
从我们这个论坛知道绿卡批了之后要去换SSN, 但不清楚是不是还有其它事情需要及时去做,上USCIS的网站看了也没什么提示. 请各位老师和有经验的XDJM回复! 多谢!
thatwillbenice2007-07-10 16:35:16
SGS2007-07-10 16:39:46
Why bother asking this kind of questions
xiaoha2007-07-10 16:40:09
need get a new SSN card
gaplady662007-07-10 16:40:21
Nobody_20062007-07-10 17:10:52
why you need that for? Your GC is enough
Nobody_20062007-07-10 17:11:47
Nothing, go on with your life
金色风铃2007-07-10 18:17:05
Is the SSN card so important? I got mine when I was
ma22007-07-10 18:39:32
nothing you need to do...just enjoy
金色风铃2007-07-10 22:07:28
The only thing that I can think of after getting your GC is