vsc-11112007-07-11 17:22:09
name check?

I saw an old post that FBI (not sure only this department) doesn't accept letter by mailing. So I am wondering how they can handle hundreds or thousnads of e-mails everyday. Anyway, I want to try to conatact the department for name check, for my expediting this process.

Thanks for any input!
VSC-TSCs2007-07-11 17:28:59
回复:Anyone know the email address of FBI in charge of....?
VSC-TSCs2007-07-11 17:36:48
vsc-11112007-07-11 17:44:39
回复:回复:Anyone know the email address of FBI in charge of....?
xiong2007-07-11 17:50:21
回复:回复:Anyone know the email address of FBI in charge of....?
manchang2007-07-13 04:52:25
回复:Anyone know the email address of FBI in charge of....?