电子鲸鱼2007-07-12 21:54:50
485 和 AP已经同时申请了。
AP pending, 可以旅行吗?

但填写AP的instruction 上说:
If you travel before the advance parole document is issued, your application will be deemed abandoned You depart from the United States。他们的field manual上甚至说,同时导致abandon I-485.
AP 的instruction 和Adjudicator's Field Manual 都没有提到H1B是特例。

我的理解是485 pending,可以离境。但只要递交了AP的申请,就要等。

迷惑啊?谁知道这是怎么回事啊? 有没有哪个official的文件里面提到这种情况?
waitfor4852007-07-12 22:06:11
You can leave the US and your AP app will be auto deemed as aban
gc20202007-07-12 22:14:10
You are fine to travel with a pending AP
电子鲸鱼2007-07-12 22:18:42
回复:You can leave the US and your AP app will be auto deemed as a
gc20202007-07-12 22:23:07
this might clear your doubt if still have it
电子鲸鱼2007-07-12 22:29:18
谢谢了,哪里能查到CIS Memo?
电子鲸鱼2007-07-12 22:40:20