cloth2007-07-13 20:03:42
申请时需要提供所有的学历证明吗?如果用美国这边取得的硕士学位申请Perm, 还需要提供国内的本科学位的证明吗?

Also, the minimum job requirement is BS, but i just discuss with the lawyer if i can use my MS degree for this job deion which is only need the BS degree.

if the BS in a field which has not been related with my job
deion at all, eg. BS in Law and the job is IT. Even the "EDUCATION
REQUIREMENTS is : Bachelor’s degree in Comp. Sci., Engin., Business, Math, Physics, or related technical field." If we use the BS in law, will the case be rejected? I do have a MS in CS, why can't we use this MS degree instead?
