1612007-07-13 20:27:52

A)On March 22, 2007, the post office returned our last written notice on
this case as undeliverable. This can have serious effects on the
processing of this case. Please call 1-800-375-5283 to update the
mailing address so this notice can be re-sent.

B)Current Status: Document OTHER THAN CARD manufactured and mailed.
On March 22, 2007, we mailed the document we manufactured based on our
earlier approval of this case, and mailed it to the address on we have
on file. You should receive the new document within 30 days. If you do
not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service.
直到五月份我们也没收到任何信中提到的文件,我们就去了info pass,被告知会发一份新的(他们也没说是什么东西),然后我们的LUD就有了下面一段内容
″On March 22, 2007 we mailed the document to the address we have on file. You should receive the new document within 30 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service.″



绿卡长征2007-07-13 20:48:33
I got similar email from CRIS about undeliverable mail by post o
1612007-07-13 20:59:05
same poor you, thanks anyway for sharing.
radiology2007-07-13 21:20:53
回复:去info pass, check your address information,
JR_KR2007-07-13 21:45:59
did you (or your lawyer) change address recently?
绿卡长征2007-07-13 22:23:52
No address changes for me and my lawyer
d_outside2007-07-13 22:34:33
I know. Stu-pid CIS mailed to old address
CAdingding2007-07-15 07:55:08
回复:I know. Stu-pid CIS mailed to old address