目前这种NC方式完全是移民局定义并要求FBI去做的(See USCIS Ombudsman 2007 report)
"As described in the Ombudsman’s 2006 Annual Report (at p. 24), the FBI provides information to USCIS regarding anyone who is the principal subject of an investigation or is a person referenced in a file. USCIS adjudicators and the Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) unit use this information to determine if applicants are ineligible for benefits. The FBI provides the name check results at USCIS’ request. Name checks are not conducted by the FBI as part of ongoing investigations or from a need to learn more about an individual because of any threat or risk perceived by the FBI. Instead, the name checks are a fee-for-service that the FBI provides to USCIS and according to USCIS-defined standards."
NC is simply an excuse of some shortsighted bureaucrats to block immigration from certain countries in the name of national security. 这是当前美国移民程序中最黑暗与非法的部分,其对合法移民的伤害和对美国的负面影响不容低估。被NC卡住的中国人远高于其他国家的人。移民局借口FBI拖延,自己无力控制进程,这并非事实。事实是目前这种NC方式完全是移民局定义并要求FBI去做的(see USCIS Ombudsman Report 2007:"As described in the Ombudsman’s 2006 Annual Report (at p. 24), the FBI provides information to USCIS regarding anyone who is the principal subject of an investigation or is a person referenced in a file. USCIS adjudicators and the Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) unit use this information to determine if applicants are ineligible for benefits. The FBI provides the name check results at USCIS’ request. Name checks are not conducted by the FBI as part of ongoing investigations or from a need to learn more about an individual because of any threat or risk perceived by the FBI. Instead, the name checks are a fee-for-service that the FBI provides to USCIS and according to USCIS-defined standards." 请注意这最后几个字:“according to USCIS-defined standards”)这说明目前的的拖延是移民局的政策造成的,这也是FBI在谈到NC拖延时反复强调移民局在2002改变标准重新检查270万人的背后原因,那无非是想告诉移民局的政策造成了NC拖延.移民局这样做的目的有:
尽管USCIS Ombudsman Mr. Khatri已为此多次呼吁,其对合法移民的伤害和对美国的负面影响不容低估,但就是没人理会。移民政策糜烂至此,我等草民又复何言?