CPG2004-04-21 23:55:13
Does any one know how likely it is to get rejected a H-1B visa in Beijing, if I get a H-1B approval here in the US for 10/1/2004? What is the recent H1-B visa application situation in Beijing? Does it make a difference that I was rejected three times four years ago when applying for a F-1 visa (but I got it the fourth time the same year)? BTW, my major is in marketing and psychology - should not be backgound-checked?

HELP!!! Need to make a decision of stay or go back for VISA now.
oncogenes2004-04-23 00:06:55
回复:Help!!! H1B go back to China ?
CPG2004-04-23 16:40:37
回复:回复:Help!!! H1B go back to China ?