jeffmyson2007-07-18 22:03:35
Could you please tell me what paperwork is necessary for 485 besides passport,visa,I-94 card, working permit, marriage certificate, birth certificate, and physical examination. Someone said that I need to submit the copies of all the tax return forms and 3-month payroll checks, are these mandatory?

If I don't have "no criminal record certificate", do I have to get one from China and submit later? What's the difference between "FBI's name check" and "no criminal record certificate"? Is that mean if I have the "no criminal record certificate", I can waive the FBI's name check?
天平上的猫2007-07-18 22:23:16
天平上的猫2007-07-18 22:24:10
吃了么!2007-07-18 22:57:33