PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-07-19 01:28:28
My 485 has been pending for about 2 years. Quit my job on 05/07 because of the baby. My EAD expired on 06/07 & sent out renewal application on 03/07. Still have not got the card now. Will have interview on 08/07. As of now, no job, no offer. My lawyer said will be denied if no job offer handy at the interview, but experts here says I have big chance. My lawyer said I can not be self employed, but people here says I can. So don't know whom should I listen to. By any chance, do you know? Pls advise. Tks.
PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-07-19 01:28:18
To 天平上的猫
天平上的猫2007-07-19 01:38:23
回复:To 天平上的猫
PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-07-19 01:47:30
Can I self-employed then?