PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-11-15 23:59:54
is to keep me in the employment force, otherwise, I probably have been a full time housewife for good. Now, looking back, I am actually glad I am working now rather than staying home.

Just want to say everything has a reason. There might be some benefit there in waiting that you do not realize now, but will find out later. I know it is hard to believe it unless you have the same experience with me. But just remember, temparary pain is for greater good later on.

Good luck to everybody & have faith that everything will be getting better.
小燕南南飞2007-11-16 00:07:35
hooligan0072007-11-16 00:34:03
阿q精神回复:Good thing about waiting for GC
rstuvw2007-11-16 00:45:36
有时除了保持"好心态" 别无选择时,“阿Q精神” 也罢,还是要一点. 回复:阿q精神回复:Good thing about wa
hooligan0072007-11-16 01:30:08
国内愤青抱怨官僚怎麽没“别无选择”呢?到了美国都会从自身找办法了?回复:有时除了保持"好心态" 别无选择时,“阿Q精神” 也罢,
PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-11-16 01:50:47
Waaa..... U R good.
hooligan0072007-11-16 02:24:50
楼主,您千万别介意,我对你本人一点没有offense。我也完全理解你的想法,回复:Waaa..... U R good.