black07022007-07-19 07:30:13
An indian called USCIS today: (This should not be a rumor, I believe)

I called USCIS Nebraska SC and I spoke with the customer service guy for atleast 15 minutes. First he did a name check and didn't find it, as expected.

Secondly, he said that if we would have returned any application, we would have entered that information against your name, so he doesn't even sees that information.

Thirdly, he said we are accepting and processing all the applications they will be receiving going forward after July 17th.

Fourth, they still have thousands of applications sitting with them which they received on July 2nd and before August 17th, but there has been no proper communication to them as to what needs to be done with those.

Fifth, his guess and according to his knowledge he said that we will go ahead and start entering the information for those application also and process them which they received between July 2nd and July 17th, but when would that happen they don't know, but that's what surely would happen, so if they have your application then it will be entered and processed.

Sixth, He said if I were you, I would call back after a week or so and check again.

4rfv5tgb2007-07-19 14:01:11
回复:Hope this info can help our 7/2 filer.