PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-07-20 22:56:13
For 485 interview, do I have to have company tax return? Will it be ok if I only have the offer letter? If I only have offer letter, no company tax return, will the officer deny the petition right away or else? Pls advise. Tks.
天平上的猫2007-07-20 22:56:43
天平上的猫2007-07-20 22:59:00
xiaobaitu2007-07-20 23:05:22
PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-07-20 23:06:09
I am not sure the company
PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-07-20 23:09:05
What if I got another job offer
PlsHelpEB3Interview2007-07-20 23:10:56
I am confident that