KANGKANGTU2007-07-21 04:43:19
我老公准备同时file140/485,我因为现在是F-1身份,我想等他的140批了以后再递485。我不知道这样可行不可行? 因为485 的说明上写得如果不一起递的话,只能等到主申请人485批了以后,配偶只有等到亲属移民的排期到呢,才能再递。(现在的排期是2002年)。。。。
gc20202007-07-21 04:49:53
you misread it
kangkangtu2007-07-21 04:59:29
真的吗? 这是原话
gc20202007-07-21 05:11:52
it doesn't say: you should/you must
pharmacyelite2007-07-21 05:29:23
you will be considered derivative EB if you file before his 485
pharmacyelite2007-07-21 05:30:31
before his 485 got approved. After that would become FB
xiaobaitu2007-07-21 06:36:20
No,even after spouse's I-485 got approval,you still
pharmacyelite2007-07-21 07:25:03
XBT is right. I thought it is themarriage after 485 approval.
pharmacyelite2007-07-21 07:28:31
Hence, you will be always derivative EB