小小猪猪2007-07-27 05:42:38
今天无意check email, 发现485批了, 真是喜忧掺半哪。 喜的是pending 了两年多的绿卡终于批了,忧的是我正在拿AP travel, 下周的飞机回美国。我担心的是现在的AP还有效吗?以前有印象485批的时候申请人要在美国,这样拿AP回来会对已批的绿卡有影响吗?感谢大侠们提供宝贵意见,先谢了
司马徽2007-07-27 05:57:33
ask another little pig to send your GC to you by mail.
小小猪猪2007-07-27 06:01:57
Oh, no, Is this the only way?
司马徽2007-07-27 06:07:03
come back with your AP, CBP has no idea about that.
小小猪猪2007-07-27 06:11:33
回复:come back with your AP, CBP has no idea about that.
giant_hippo2007-07-27 15:37:32