sunlight21002007-08-06 20:35:52
I filed the I-485 packages on 7/2 and was received by CIS with clear signatures. Well, as you know, I can not receive the I-485 receipts until now (one month already). I called my lawyer and asked him if I can file another I-485 package. He can not say nothings.

I will ask the same questions here: Can I send another copy of I-485 in case 7/2 package was lost?

I am very appreciating your kindness suggestion and helps,

radiology2007-08-06 20:46:37
回复:没有必要,只是你可以在clear check note上找到
sunlight21002007-08-06 20:51:29
回复:回复:没有必要,只是你可以在clear check note上找到
radiology2007-08-06 20:58:40
回复:you can wait for, since at that time, there are many
DAMIHU2007-08-06 21:59:18