spurs2007-08-10 02:52:25
Stupid question, once we get green card, does China Embassy get notified by US immigration office?
This question is acturally related to whether US borned kid needs a visa or just a travel passport to visit China.
If you had experience about this, you know what I am talking about.
Appreciate your reply!
usedtobeadoctor2007-08-10 02:56:52
once you get green card, you are still Chinese Citizen
spurs2007-08-10 03:00:24
回复:once you get green card, you are still Chinese Citizen
pjiang2007-08-10 03:13:49
回复:Anyone knows this info, thanks!
chairmanmiao20052007-08-10 03:54:23
spurs2007-08-10 19:44:59
回复:Anyone knows this info, thanks!