可怜的小青想爸妈2004-05-16 06:36:23
1. 我和老公都是H1, 都要做revalidate, 那我们的材料中要包括对方的材料吗? 网站上有这一条:

If the spouse and/or dependent children are applying for visas separately from the principal alien, submit certified copies of the principal alien’s valid visa and valid I-94 (front and back) in addition to the other listed requirements.

2. 请问大家都是怎么寄的?用邮局还是Fedex还是什么?回函信封是怎么准备的? 网上说:

Please use your address as the “from” address on the airbill or the self-addressed envelope

这不是寄回给我的吗, 为什么是"from"?

400dollar2004-05-16 15:54:29
回复:H1 revalidate问题请教
sdfsdfsdff2004-05-16 23:53:45
回复:H1 revalidate问题请教
人在加州2004-05-17 07:34:50
回复:H1 revalidate问题请教