hajin2007-08-25 05:12:54
几个月前,Senator帮我查询FBI, 说我们的name check在两年前就已经clear 了,而且结果也返回了USCIS。 然后又raise service request to USCIS, 结果USCIS review 了我们的case, 坚持说我仍然stuck 在name check. 来来回回好几次, 最终落实了是因为USCIS requested another guy's name check with my A#, then that guy's name check got clear which makes FBI believes my name check is clear. 但是奇怪的是, 前几天我刚刚收到FBI's response regarding my another request through Mrs. Bush, they still claim our name check were cleared 2 years ago...

anyhow, now I am in this screw up situation. i don't know who i should believe to? FBI ? or USCIS? what i should do at this point? I've still asked Senator to check with FBI, but sounds like it is not likely to have any result as she mentioned FBI is like a brick wall to outside inquiry...

Any suggestions / advices what action I should be taking? and Who I should seek for more help to solve this issue?

thanks very much in advance!

xiaobaitu2007-08-25 07:05:52
WorkonGC2007-08-25 21:23:02
I-485 approval, 小白兔请指教,多谢!
M09I7Y2007-08-27 02:03:22