RoadBlind2007-08-29 16:11:19
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I have surfed at the Wenxuecity for years and surely know there are a lot of gurus concerning the immigration and job searching questions. I greatly appreciate if you could provide some advice at your convenience.

My hu*****and and I had dated for years before we got married a couple of weeks ago. We currently live in a small town with limited job opportunities in my area. He is a citizen, has a stable job and a close family. He loves his job and his family so much which makes him impossible relocate and start over. I understand his situation and have planned to live with him in his hometown.

My situations are that I just graduated this August and got a job offer in his town months ago. However, my potential employer decided to withdraw the offer granted to me mainly because of the extended processing time of my OPT application. Currently, there are no other appropriate job positions open in my field. As a matter of fact, I might have to wait for months or years for an available position in his town. However, there are plenty of job opportunities in a neighboring town, which is only a little over one hour away from our current house.

Additionally, my hu*****and and I are going to apply for a status change for me shortly.

I have some concerns based on the above situations:

1. My hu*****and insists that I should stay and look for a job locally. However, no one knows how long it takes to get one. Also, I am afraid that my status of being unemployed too long will affect my application for a status change. Is it true?

2. I plan for a job search from the neighboring town. The accumulated work experiences will help me get a job once some positions become available in his town. My concern is whether our separation into two towns will affect my application? It is more likely that I will rent an apartment in the neighboring town and commune back to our house on the weekend. Which address I can use when I fill out the applications: our house or the rented apartment?

3. When is the better time to submit the status change application: before I get employed or after?

Any suggestions/comments to our situations are highly appreciated. Thanks again.

DO-PERM2007-08-29 16:18:22
回复:Desperately need some help
Question1002007-08-29 18:19:10
回复:Desperately need some help
Hope_Hope2007-08-29 18:42:12
回复:Desperately need some help
RoadBlind2007-08-29 19:38:59
回复:回复:Desperately need some help
RoadBlind2007-08-29 19:48:38
回复:回复:Desperately need some help