ncpending2007-09-02 15:22:06

PD: 10/2001 EB2 RIR/LC (only few people here have PD earlier than this, hehe)
AD: 12/2004 LC (waited so long to get LC approved)
RD: 140/485 Concurrent at VSC: 04/2005
140 Approved: 09/2005
1st Finger Print: 05/2005
Transferred from VSC to TSC: 03/2007
2nd Finger Print: 05/2007
485 LUD without any change: 03/2007

Called USCIS 4 times, infopass twice, all was told NC is still pending. Last two letters from USCIS just said my case was "under additional review".

Wrote letter to 1st lady in May 07, got letter from FBI in Aug. 07 saying NC is still in process.

My plan is:
1. Write "thank you" letter to 1st lady for forwarding my letter and FBI for replying me----------------Sep.2007
2. Write to senator/congressman to see what happened---------------Oct. 2007
3. Wait until April 2008 if nothing happened during this period, then file WOM.

请给点建议:Do I miss anything?Shall I wait a little longer to write letters to senator/congressman? Who can recommend a good attorney in WOM? I am in NY state. 谢谢。
thisway2007-09-02 15:59:39
GC 是根硬骨头。挺吓人的。绿林好汉后是否觉得此过程挑战,人生满足充实?
TigerGC2007-09-02 19:29:51
回复:我的GC application 情况
BelieveGod2007-09-02 20:45:28
回复:我的GC application 情况
ncpending2007-09-03 01:43:49
回复:回复:我的GC application 情况
BelieveGod2007-09-03 02:44:21
Thank you very much for reply! God bless! 回复:回复:回复:我的GC applicat