chaostic2004-05-22 06:41:56
I quitted Phd in April. One month later I submitted visa change from F1 to F2 and got the reciept from UCSIS today. However, I got a question. Is my status legal? Since I heard the 60 days grace peroid is only for students who complete their acedemic degree requirments. I don't know if I have 60 days grace period in my case.
If I got a job during visa status change, can I submit another H1B petition?
I really appreciate any help.
sdfsdfsdff2004-05-23 22:47:25
回复:F1 to F2 help, thank ahead
chaostic2004-05-26 00:37:38
回复:回复:F1 to F2 help, thank ahead