映山红五号2007-09-05 02:29:53
今天的"TN签证通过PERM申请绿卡的时间策略" 一文提到:"因为雇主递交I-140显示了申请者的移民倾向, 申请者将不能再延期TN非移民签证". 其实不然.因为,在移民法中,移民倾向是指"intend to immigrate".可是I-140是雇主递交的,根据2003年INS的一个MEMO (former INS chief quoted), submission of I-140 means that the beneficiary has a desire to immigrate but the desire is not necessarily the same as the intend. . 所以,If only I-140 submitted (not by himself but by his company), a VO or border officer, who is knowlegeable enough,will renew his TN. However there is a risk for him to meet a bad/not clever enough/ officer and to be refused of his request to renew TN.
pjiang2007-09-05 03:13:26
Could you please point a link to above memo? Thanks. - 回复:递交I-1
xiaobaitu2007-09-29 18:36:14
lzr2007-09-29 23:45:16