1.In more detail to explain "the change of degree objective" from PhD in Physics to an Associate degree in Biology.
2.copies of trans of all courses/degrees since entering the US.
我的背景:四年前来美,04年底拿到PHYSICS MS,继续读PHD直到去年夏天,决定折腾转BIOPHISICS,补了一年生物方面的课程。去年年底太太递交绿卡,我是副申请人。
I found that I was more interested in Biophysics programs. However, in order to be a qualified applicant to these programs, I need to have a biology background, which is necessary and prerequisite for most of them. In order to meet their requirement, I made the change of degree objective from PhD in Physics to an Associate degree in Biology to make up my lack of the biology background. This was from my future academic and career consideration.