沪深2007-09-08 04:48:16
EB-2: PD:2/2005, AP/EAD received in May. How long shall FBI NC take? Any guesstimate? Thank you so much!
沪深2007-09-08 04:48:26
回复:求救专家: FBI NC 要多久?!!!
radiology2007-09-08 04:49:09
回复:6 months-3 years
沪深2007-09-08 04:52:27
回复:回复:6 months-3 years
xiaobaitu2007-09-08 15:45:17
拭目以待222007-09-08 16:22:14
回复:求救专家: FBI NC 要多久?!!!
six1102007-09-08 19:41:14
回复:one day to four years and 6 months