yiminna2007-09-08 16:54:12
confirm it.

I did it in downtown Los Angeles ASC yesterday without any problem. Nobody even asked me any reason, as long as I have the appointment. There are many people over there and I had to wait about 2 hours, but it only took 5 minutes to finish the scan all your fingers and photo. NO CELL PHONE allowed to bring in the room.

hope this is helpful.
zxcvbnmmlp2007-09-08 17:08:10
depend on location and state. it doesn't work here
radiology2007-09-08 18:08:24
红棉袄2007-09-08 18:40:44
toosad2007-09-08 19:15:47
赞成, 除非有特殊情况
six1102007-09-08 19:38:44
回复:not really. schedule is used to adjust their workload
six1102007-09-08 20:04:37
No, DL is ok.