lantian852007-09-20 02:25:19
We moved to USA from Canada and filed 485 this July. My daughter is 20 and a 3rd year university student in USA, holding F1. I hold H1 and am thinking that it maybe better for my daughter to transfer from F1 to H4 in case even if my 485 is refused, she can continue to finish her study in USA.

Pjiang, XBT and RD, please advise if my daughter can transfer from F1 to H4. For a child to be a holder of H4, is there any age limit. It was heard before that a child can be a holder of H4 only before he turns to 21 years old. Is this true?

Tons thanks.

pjiang2007-09-20 02:40:23
Because of her age, it may not be a good option for her - 回复:大孩子
lantian852007-09-20 03:00:02
Pjiang, thank you very much for youor advice!
radiology2007-09-20 03:11:19
keep F, then OPT when she get degree
lantian852007-09-20 03:22:10
Thank you very much too, Radiology!
lyon2007-09-20 03:22:59
Frank2562007-09-20 17:42:08