我是130,485,和765同时递到芝加哥的,9月7号寄到的,notice date是9月19号,receipt number是MSC打头的,三个收据号分别是MSC-0X-XXX-XXX03,MSC-0X-XXX-XXX05, and MSC-0X-XXX-XXX06. 除了最后一位数字不同,其他数字都相同。另外支票反面的号码除了最后一位,其他各位和收据号也是相同的,分别是MSC-0X-XXX-XXX01和MSC-0X-XXX-XXX02(我是按新的收费标准申请的,所以是两张支票for 130和485).但是我按照这些收据好搜索我的case,却说
Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:
Case Status Retrieval Failed
This Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.
1. 大家是收到收据就马上可以凭收据号在网上查到自己的case吗?还是需要再等几天?
2. 实行新的收费标准后,支票反面的号码和收据号不一样,这是正常的吗?
3. 我的case是在哪个处理中心处理的?