MakeSense?2004-06-01 18:53:38
Normally, for every F1 holder, your OPT status is automatically cancelled once your H1B application is APPROVED. However, some are saying that your OPT will be cancelled once your H1B application is RECEIVED.

The second assessment makes no sense to me, if it's true, that means after the application is submitted applicant should stop working for his employer until it gets approved. But, some people do agree on this assessment, and saying that it will affect your future application for your GreenCard. (This sounds very scary, because if it's true, then lots of F1 holder (OPT), including me, are currently working illegally in the state according to this).

I've talked to our legal advisor from my school, he think what happen was in the past some officers did mistakenly cancel applicant's F1 status in the system when they received his/her H1B application, even though it shouldn't be supposed to.

Could any experts explain this a little bit?

Many thanks
landing7042004-06-01 19:00:31
回复:Controvesy: Form OPT to H1B