0000032007-09-28 03:25:27
承蒙JSQUARE大侠的指点, 本人今天按如下方法, 联系了NSC:


根据跟我说话的IO, "Your security check is cleared. Eeverything is cleared including background check, finger printing, biometrics and name check." IO还叫我确认地址, 保证信箱上名字正确, 耐心等待. 现在还没有visa numbers, 但很有可能10月以后会有. 真不知真假.

我6月初递的485, EB2 PERM.
usedtobeadoctor2007-09-28 03:35:02
Thank you for sharing. Good luck to you!
rstuvw2007-09-28 03:38:22
Thanks for sharing! 回复:关于security check/name check: 分享个人经历
tutututu2007-09-28 03:59:51
me too, sit on the same boat!
DO-PERM2007-09-28 04:07:56
do you have LUD for your 485 recently?
mimi0022007-09-28 05:05:38
回复:关于security check/name check: 分享个人经历
rainbowinsky2007-09-28 05:13:36
回复:关于security check/name check: 分享个人经历
jsquare2007-09-28 14:53:01
Keep sharing the good news :) Oct is not far away...