0000032010-06-11 20:50:16
485批准通知用词的区别: new permanent resident welcome notice, card production ordered, or approval notice sent等等, 究竟有啥不同呀?

今天我们收到的是new permanent resident welcome notice, 但前些天批的朋友好象是card production ordered 的通知. 在等绿卡寄来的时间上是否有区别呢?

请不吝指点, 万分感谢!
dreamer1682010-06-11 20:59:31
Detail ? PD ?
wells19992010-06-11 21:26:31
mukumuku2010-06-12 01:36:47
I'm not sure if this is right
PD092820052010-06-12 03:25:58
回复:485批准通知用词的区别: welcome notice, card production ordered, or
0000032010-06-12 04:43:43
many thanks!
0000032010-06-12 04:45:31
thanks for the great link!
0000032010-06-12 04:49:29
thanks so much!
mukumuku2010-06-12 05:26:50
回复:thanks for the great link!
0000032010-06-12 05:29:47
i see. thanks so much!
mukumuku2010-06-12 05:35:14
回复:i see. thanks so much!