usbeaver2007-10-02 18:31:10
I file my NIW140+485 to TSC on 7/25. It arrived on 7/26. But the check has not been cashed and of course there is no receipt or other notice. Is this normal as I found that the processing date for TSC has been 8/1 now. Thanks.
tomlincool2007-10-02 18:35:31
I am a 07/02 filer, still nothing, no cashed even. just called,
xklxkl2007-10-02 19:43:11
回复:7/25 filer, check not cashed and no receipt
thunder882007-10-02 19:55:40
Probably your case had been transferred to CSC, I filed
Alan99002007-10-02 20:02:38
回复:Take it easy and be little more patient.
zgxxa2007-10-02 21:13:58
回复:I filed to TSC on 7/19/07, Checks just cashed on 10/1/07
Brilliant2007-10-02 21:32:01
Thanks for sharing.