My friend is having an issue about H-1B.
She got H-1B from Non-profit organization half year ago, for some reason, the effective date was scheduled from Oct. 1st, which is unusual. She did not know if the error was made by lawer or INS. Being advised by her lawer, she decided not to file another application since she was still having OPT. Very soon after that, she had family emergency and had to go back home while the company refused to give her days off. Then she quitted the job without finishing OPT. After dealing with family issue, her lawer called her from US after OPT was over and told her that her H-1B status is still valid. If she can find a new job, she will be able to keep working in the US. Then she started to hunt for a job. She got an chance of interview of Non-profit company by the end of Sep, then she went to consulate to get the visa and she got it. She entered the US Sep 25th purposely (not earlier than one week before H-1B starts)and had the interview Sep 26. The person who interviewed her told her we will give u this job as long as the process of Human resource is completed and this will take 2-3 weeks. Now her lawer was trying to push her and warn her if you did not get a job with 15 days, you will be in illegal status. Now she is kind of scared and doesn't know what to do?
Should she push the company? I think It's very hard and she doesn't know how to approach the company to push althrough she talked about this issue during interview?Should she go back Asia ASAP and wait for the response from company, like documentation and paperwork, then go to apply visa one more time? Any advice is welcome! Thanks a lot!