cutedogbaby2007-10-09 04:47:32
昨天乘坐联合航空,被一位黑人男服务员气了个昏天黑地。下面是我记录的经历,请大家帮我看看,我该怎么投诉或者讨个说法。原谅比较长,文字也未修改, 大家凑合看吧。

After the airplane left Denver, I was sleeping and then I heard that the waiter (a black person, in his middle age) was collecting beverage order, so I ordered orange juice when it was my turn. Everything seemed to be fine at that time. After he collected all of the orders, he began the serving and when it was my turn again, I handed out to pick something but I noticed that the tray he hold on had no orange juice. He had a Sprite can in his hand and he said “did you order Sprite?” I answered no and he continued to serve others. I waited since I thought he would bring it for me later. But he passed me several times and I was not serviced. During that time period, I said “excuse me” twice but he did not noticed or pay any attention (the 2nd time I used a louder voice even the people sitting two lines in front of me heard it and turned back toward me). I was a little embarrassed but I thought he was too busy, so I told myself to be patient. Several minutes later, he hold a big box of orange juice for people who need more juice after the first service, I said “excuse me” again, he did not pay any attention, either. At that time, another passenger noticed that I need service for several times, so he told the waiter that I need help. The waiter said “wait a minute” in a quick/impatient tone and then (or immediately) looking at me. I asked with smile (I tried to) “where is mine?” He said “you were sleep and you did not order”. (By the way, the women who sat beside me was asleep all the way and it was her who did not order.)Without giving me any time to say that “I have ordered”. He asked “what do you want?” I pointed to the orange juice box that he held and said “juice is fine”. He asked “what kind of juice do you want? Apple? Tomato? Orange…” To be frankly, I was angry at that time but I still answered with patience “orange would be ok”. He took out a Starbucks coffee cup from his apron and poured a cup of juice for me and then walked away. A minute later, he walked and passed me by giving me ( “throwing at me” would be more correct) 2 bags of snacks and 5 pieces of napkin (I kept these things for at that moment, even idiot can feel the unfriendliness of the man).

Maybe half an hour later, he passed me with a jar of coffee, asked me in a very loud voice “do you want MORE juice?” At that time, I had deleted the cup when the waitress collected the garbage and I answered “Oh, I have no cup for it now”. He did not pay any attention to what I said but continued with the following sentence word by word in a tone as if that I never understand one word of English “DO YOU NEED MORE JUICE OR DO NOT?” I answered “yes!” Then he continued to serve others. I did not get my juice, NEVER! He passed me several times after that, but he never served me and I did not even bother to remind him anymore, since I do not want to get more unhappy experience. People sat beside me looked at me with pity, I was embarrassed and angry.

And worse thing happed even after that. Before the landing, I went to the restroom at the rear of the plane. I stood in front of one door that I thought to be the restroom and tried to push it open. He shouted at me two feet away “what are you looking for? Restroom is there!” I did not answer since I did not want to have direct relationship with him again. Another reason is that I thought I would lose control of myself by shouting at him madly if I answered anything. At that time, I only want to get on land as soon as possible and get the manager of UA.

After I arrived, I talked with the men who was on the duty on the UA baggage claim office and told him my experience, he said it was really bad and told me that I should report it to the UA headquarters. He said "you must make sure that you do it since it was really bad."


lyon2007-10-09 04:55:06
zxcvbnmmlp2007-10-09 05:01:30
cutedogbaby2007-10-09 05:07:08
lyon2007-10-09 05:17:16
lucky1012007-10-09 05:23:04
回复:You should do it. A lot of time, they are actually back off r
zxcvbnmmlp2007-10-09 05:24:22
上海妈妈2007-10-09 06:19:22
giant_hippo2007-10-09 06:53:52
giant_hippo2007-10-09 07:36:18
Off the record, black males are the worst in terms of woking eth
giant_hippo2007-10-09 07:36:49
I mean working ethic.
pinecone7892007-10-09 14:34:06
blackbird-md2007-10-09 15:58:59
wrong place to post, , anyway, sue the black man.
68732007-10-09 17:01:29
回复:Here's what you need to do
rerre2007-10-09 18:39:13
Exactly what I want to say.
rerre2007-10-09 18:44:17
File a compaint, you will at least get a free flight
珍珠泡泡2007-10-09 18:45:03