lake_9992007-10-09 20:13:17
如果住址本身该是 444 NW xxx street
打指纹的人写成了444 NW xxx street 444,
Is there a negative effect?
I am worried about that because I havent got the update for a while after 打指纹.
Thannks a ton.
xiaobaitu2007-10-09 20:57:11
I don't think there is a big problem
lake_9992007-10-09 21:18:31
回复:emergent help for 小白兔老师
lake_9992007-10-09 21:54:11
回复:emergent help for 小白兔老师
lake_9992007-10-09 22:23:58
回复:I don't think there is a big problem
xiaobaitu2007-10-09 23:22:09
lake_9992007-10-10 18:26:18
thanks a lot, xiaobaitu