小燕南南飞2007-10-11 21:29:40
还是最最有用的。_(a) 燕子有给bush wife的样本
sleepbear2007-10-11 21:31:15
bush wife 总看一样的信还有用么^*^
safelin2007-10-11 21:41:48
when did you write to her, when was the NC is done for u?
GC723242007-10-11 21:42:32
Can I get a copy?
bioinfo2007-10-11 21:45:25
see here for FL, congressman, Congressman
小燕南南飞2007-10-11 21:46:25
06/22/2007 写的,07/22/2007批准了!
小燕南南飞2007-10-11 21:57:29
我爱评书2007-10-11 23:31:28
给LAURA的信是邮寄还是用EMAIL? 回复:移民申请的name check 现在大约要等4-6个月,但是给第一夫人写信
小燕南南飞2007-10-11 23:40:48
用邮寄+cetified mail + return confirmation notice
我爱评书2007-10-11 23:55:13
回复:用邮寄+cetified mail + return confirmation notice
小燕南南飞2007-10-12 00:01:10
safelin2007-10-12 00:48:10
回复:absolutely a coincidence-not due to FL