经过整整四年半的过程, 绿卡终于批了:
04/12/2003: I140 EB1B APPLICATION
10/26/2004: I140 APPOVED
02/10/2005: I485 APPLICATION
08/27/2005: 1ST FP
03/08/2007: transferred from Vermont to Texas
03/28/2007: FBI name check cleared.
05/09/2007: 2ND FP
10/15/2007: APPOVED
10/20/2007: (今天) 收到了WELCOME NOTICE
其间给议员写了N次信, called Customer Service N times, and Infopass twice. 上个星期五(10/12/2007)还去了INFOPASS, 被告知尚在TEXAS中心等待处理呢.
They did not send me e-mail yet, nor did they update the online status.
收到通知后, 似乎轻松了许多.