daichiba2007-10-22 19:40:31
Does anyone has applied Chinese passport renew in chicago (I mean from old passport to the new passport?) if so, how long does it take for you to get a new password. accoring to the chicago chinese consulate website, it will takes 40 working days, is there anyway to be shorter? do they offer expediate services with extra money? please let me know, I will go to chicago on this wednesdady.
thanks in advance
aa6543212007-10-22 19:47:52
daichiba2007-10-22 20:02:58
知名度比较高2007-10-22 20:08:35
通常是一个月。 楼上的很幸运。
vitas-para-siempre2007-10-22 20:38:12
christmasbox2007-10-23 05:22:01
回复:chinese passport renew in chicago
daichiba2007-10-23 15:14:49
回复:回复:chinese passport renew in chicago