ncpga2007-10-25 07:16:01
我刚入籍。父亲现在美国探亲,母亲现在中国。我想现在为父亲申请绿卡, 请问:
1. 父亲的申请递上去后,如何为母亲申请绿卡?母亲能否申请旅游签证来美?
2. 父亲的绿卡批准后,如何为母亲申请绿卡?母亲能否申请旅游签证来美?

Bodd2007-10-25 11:02:37
xiaobaitu2007-10-25 17:57:41
You can apply for your father here,but after you do so
ncpga2007-10-25 18:06:08
回复:You can apply for your father here,but after you do so
xiaobaitu2007-10-25 18:20:02
Still ok,if she never over stay ,no problem to enter
ncpga2007-10-25 19:43:16
回复:Still ok,if she never over stay ,no problem to enter