longronda2007-10-25 21:43:35
Citizen plan to apply GC for parents at the same time.A friend told me have to file I-864 form for father and mother separately(he submitted one for parents together and later USCIS asked him to submit another one).

1.If separately filling for mother, in Part 3. item 9
Should we select item 9 and put father's info in the table or "no"?

2.item 10, since this Affidavit is filling only for mother, should we put "1" or "2" ?

Thank you very much.
pjiang2007-10-26 03:07:14
9 填配偶,10 是"2". 各人一表,Part 2 不同 - 回复:ask XBT,PJIANG about I-864 fo
pjiang2007-10-26 03:08:01
回复:ask XBT,PJIANG about I-864 form question.Thanks.
longronda2007-10-26 05:25:11