YIboard2007-10-30 22:57:23
Who knows how long I have to wait since I file my WOM of federal court?
It has been 1 week and I called the court, they just told me the judge has known my case and the only thing I can do is to wait for judge's decision.
By the way, I use fee waive form, does that postpone the process? The clerk told me the judge will decide if they will waive the fee.
donkeyroad2007-10-30 23:23:39
回复:Who knows how long I have to wait?
YIboard2007-10-30 23:55:09
回复:回复:Who knows how long I have to wait?
donkeyroad2007-10-31 00:53:30
回复:回复:回复:Who knows how long I have to wait?
YIboard2007-10-31 20:20:31
回复:回复:回复:回复:Who knows how long I have to wait?