iowacity2007-11-01 07:01:22
我正在申请J-1豁免, 申请材料已递交至中国领事馆, 我有两个问题向各位请教:

1. 我是否应等收到中国大使馆同意发送"No Objection Letter" 的通知后再向DOS申请, 或者现在就向DOS递交材料, 以争取排队时间;
2. 在DOS 有关J-1豁免申请材料的说明中,第3项是---"A statement demonstrating why the exchange visitor is eligible to recieve a waiver of the two-year home country requirement of the exchange visitor program", 这个声明中最有力的理由是什么? 都应该写些什么? 我在网上申请case number时, 只简单说了两句, 现在我想应该好好写一点.
请帮忙解答, 非常感谢!
pharmacyelite2007-11-01 14:44:58
DRYICE2007-11-01 15:30:56
as far as my experience
pharmacyelite2007-11-01 15:38:33
did they change the procedure? not in my case.
DRYICE2007-11-01 15:53:58
didn't u get a form to fill up from the chinese embassy?
iowacity2007-11-01 17:11:44
iowacity2007-11-01 17:16:35
回复:didn't u get a form to fill up from the chinese embassy?
oceanblueolivegreen2007-11-01 17:25:32
it depends on ur situation.
iowacity2007-11-01 20:10:16
回复:it depends on ur situation.
pharmacyelite2007-11-01 22:51:29
I know. Not to China embassy.
pharmacyelite2007-11-01 22:55:12
My case was submitted in 2003.
ieeee2007-11-02 02:10:13