kyky0102007-11-01 21:24:48
There is an immediate opportunity to solve name check delay. Let us
give it a shot!

The Senate and The House will have a conference as early as next week
to negotiate each amendment of the appropriation bill on the
Commerce, State, and Justice. Senator Levin's NAME CHECK AMENDMENT is
on the list, which is very effective by itself. But the amendment is
very likely to pass the Conference. This means that the House will
probably accept the Senate amendment.

LIA/AFU’s lobbyists want the House side to modify Levin’s amendment
with more specific terms regarding name check reform. Now our
lobbyists have identified the CONFERENCE MEMBERS, as listed below.
They need at least one member in the Conference to propose the
modification. To do that, we need name check stories from
corresponding CONSTITUENTS.

If you live in one of the following areas, you story is vital to
change Levin’s amendment. We need at least 10 stories within one
district to volume up our voice. It is our mission to address our
mistreatment. Please be active in reporting your stories, which could
be the last straw we need to push things happen.

Please email your story to LIA’s lobbyist Paul Donnelly:
pauldonnelly@ medialever. com, and CC: renhao09@yahoo. com,ASAP. Our
lobbyists will need you to contact your Congressman directly. But we
suggest that you WAIT for their instruction before you move. We need
an organized campaign to have a hit. Please also wake up your
friends, colleagues who also suffer name check delays. Please tell
them if we don’t salvage ourselves, nor will God.

Please check
for district maps.

Alan Mollohan, Chairman, West Virginia, district 1
Patrick J. Kennedy, Rhode Island, district 1
Chaka Fattah, Pennsylvania, district 2 (Univ. of Penn)
Dutch Rupper*****erger, Maryland, district 2 (Johns Hopkins)
Adam Schiff, California, district 29, (Cal Tech)
Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut, district 3, (Yale)
David Price, North Carolina, district 4, (RTP)
Dave Obey, Wisconsin, district 7

Rodney Frelinghuysen, Ranking Member, New Jersey, district 11
John Culberson, Texas, district 7
Hal Rogers, Kentucky, district 5
Tom Latham, Iowa, district 4
Robert Aderholt, Alabama, district 4
Jerry Lewis, California, district 41
kyky0102007-11-01 21:35:09
回复:ZT: Immediate opportunity to solve name check delay
kyky0102007-11-01 21:35:37
voyager_0082007-11-01 22:59:28
what if I live in a area other than listed? Also what kind of st