jasonmom2007-11-06 02:29:23
radiology2007-11-06 02:44:21
回复:没有gap, 没有也没有什么大问题
giant_hippo2007-11-06 02:45:13
正常,没问题。新老 I-94 卡号码是一样的。
liangza2007-11-06 15:18:35
what reason did you use to request for extension?
giant_hippo2007-11-06 15:51:21
就说给老人安排了新的出游计划, Blah, Blah. The usual documents.
liangza2007-11-06 16:30:13
did you ask for another 6 months of stay?
giant_hippo2007-11-06 17:57:02
Yes, that's the maximum you can ask for.