DTRD2007-11-06 15:31:40
Please give me some suggestion. Here is the list of NIW letters I could get

2 from US army lab, 1 from Navy lab, 1 from Airforce lab, and 2 from University

1 independant letter from NASA.

Do I still need more independant letters. I only had 13 citations, and now working for the Army lab.

Really appreciate your time and feedback. Thanks _:o
pharmacyelite2007-11-06 15:39:02
it will be always good to another 1 independent letter
DTRD2007-11-06 17:06:25
回复:it will be always good to another 1 independent letter
immigrationtous2007-11-07 04:14:35
回复:NIW reference letters- any suggestion, (XBT, JP etc) please h