后悔晚矣2007-11-06 19:19:38
有一页是填: date and place of first entry into the US ...

Port of Entry:
State of Entry:
Control number:
Issuing Post:

是填我到美国的那天的日期吗? 还是VISA上的日期? 另外最后一栏在哪里找?
后悔晚矣2007-11-06 19:20:53
回复:急问,在线等,J-1 DS-3035填表的问题
后悔晚矣2007-11-06 19:23:23
回复:急问,在线等,J-1 DS-3035填表的问题
DRYICE2007-11-06 19:28:30
date of first entry.
DRYICE2007-11-06 19:30:22
port entry is where u first passed customs.
DRYICE2007-11-06 19:31:55
control number should be numbers only.
后悔晚矣2007-11-06 20:03:43
DRYICE2007-11-06 20:13:20
look downstairs.